Call in Studio

How Call in Studio Works / FAQ

Host Callback Mode: Auto-Connecting the Host Only When Callers Are Present

Shows or meetings with lower call volume may want to use our Host Callback Mode for their host call, which will dial out to the host only when thrre are other callers connected.

To enable this feature, when the host call is connected, you can click the host's 'Drop' button and select the 'Callback Mode' from the menu. This will drop the host call whenever no other calls are in Call in Studio (including screeners and guest calls). Then, when a new call arrives, Call in Studio will dial the host's number to connect the host audio to Call in Studio (your call-in number will be used as the caller ID for this call to the host number).

When in callback mode and there are no other callers, the host call will remain in the host room in 'Standby' mode and will look like this:

To enable this feature, you must dial into Call in Studio's host line with a number that sends its Caller ID, or by initiating an outbound call to the host (click the 'Outbound Call' button at the bottom of the call console screen).

If you've previously connected an outbound call as a host, the outbound call screen will show those previous connections, and you may selected 'CONNECT (callback mode)' to place the host call in the hostroom already in callback mode (if no callers are present, it will not connect until a call comes in).

For this feature to work best, we recommend connecting your host call to a system that can automatically answer an incoming call. Some VOIP services support auto-answer (such as Skype).

Please note that show recording records the host call, so if you use Callback Mode with show recording enabled, a separate recording will be made for each call as it is connected (and audio from your show/meeting when not connected cannot be recorded).

WebRTC: Call Rates

Raise/Lower Hand for Callers and Guests on Hold

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